“The Summer of Our Discontent” to be re-edited

2 years after publishing the story, I’m going to go back and re-edit it, possibly adding some more scenes and character descriptions. The reason I’m doing that is because I think the story could still use some improvement.

(Plus, I need to make a trailer for the book, but that’s for another blog post)

Anyway, I also have some ideas for some side stories about the various characters that really don’t need to be added to the story (I’ve put myself at a 75,000-word limit in the story), so I’ll be publishing those stories at the end of this year.

Anyway, let the editing begin!

Read an Ebook Week (March 1-7)

At the same time, the site Smashwords.com is having Read an Ebook Week, in which ebooks on that site are marked lower than they normally are, from free to 75%. My books Cthulhu Returns,ย Harry Moffer & the Dumbest Story Ever, and The Summer of Our Discontent are available for free. So that means you better get to smashwords.com and get your free copies quickly, as the ย sale ends on Saturday, March 7, 2015.

Back to Work

Now that 2015 has begun, I really need to do soemthing other than obsess over the fact that it’s 2015. Which means that I must do more for my writing career and less daydreaming. It’s time for me to put away my toys and grow up.

Anyway, I guess that I have no choice but to give up everything else and just concentrate on writing. I have to start my serial novels back up as well as finish the stories that I have started. I can’t be bothered with any more distractions.

That is all.

Serial Saturdays: Picking Up Where I Left Off

Well, here I am getting ready to pick up right where I left off. I’m continuing the story about Josie Tremlett-Kahn and her friends as they fight against “the system”. They also fight against bullies and cruel family members.

So, I’m preparing the first five episodes for publication on Smashwords and beginning to edit episode 6. Hopefully, I’ll get to episode 8 by the end of this month.

Happy New Year from the Claire Violet Thorpe Express

Happy New Yearโ€™s from the Claire Violet Thorpe Express! This year, I plan to continue the Teen Rebels serial novels as well as start several more serial novels. Plus, I’m getting ready for my short stories anthology 2014, which will be published later this week.

If you’re in the mood for a new story, my short storyCthulhu Returns” can be preordered on Smashwords for $.99, with the book being released on January 26, 2015. It contains some scenes that are a bit too intense for children, which is why the story is for adults only.

I hope to have some more stories written soon.

Anyway, my booksย Harry Moffer & the Dumbest Story Ever!!!ย andย The Summer of Our Discontentย are available onย Smashwords.com.

NaNoWriMo 2014: Why Did I Come Up With This Story?

Now that I have announced the title of the story, I think that the next thing that you’re all dying to know is why I came up with the title and synopsis of the story.

First, I’m basing this off my own personal experiences with writing fan fiction. Next, I toss in a few references to a harry potter-like character that many people seem to like. then there’s the ongoing debate over whether or not fan fiction should be allowed.

Also, there is the usual debate over if magic is permissible or not in a fantasy story.

The main character in the story is obsessed with writing fan fiction, even to the point of neglecting her original stories. She strives to be the #1 fan fiction writer on the Internet. But when her English teacher decides to ban fan fiction altogether, the main character must figure out a way to convince him that there’s nothing wrong with fan fiction.

So there’s the story. I plotted this one out months ago, but I know that some of the things that I must take out and some things that I will be keeping. Next week, I will begin writing the story.

My books โ€œHarry Moffer & the Dumbest Story Everโ€ and โ€œThe Summer of Our Discontentโ€ are available at Smashwords.com.

Book Editing, Day 10

Ten days into NaNoEdMo, and I have managed to catch up to two of my six NaNoWriMo novels. But seeing as it’s only the second week of March, I need to step it up if I want to be done editing the books on time so they can be published.

Meaning that today isn’t a day for me to be lazy (with a hectic writing schedule, I really don’t have time to be lazy).

I hope to have at least three out of six novels completed and ready for publication by the end of this month, but I’m not sure about that.

So there you have it.

And yes, you’re welcome to buy my booksย Harry Moffer & the Dumbest Story Ever and The Summer of Our Discontent on Smashwords.com.

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Book Editing, Day 6

Ok, so now that I’ve gotten a handle on things, it’s time to say bye-bye to the fake social website that I made up for “Magical Compositions“. We won’t be seeing it again in this life. (Plus, by the time this story is over, teenagers would obviously be on MySpace, but that’s another story.)

Anyway, I’m still working on the fake songs that the band (make that TWO bands)ย are going to be performing throughout the course of the story, plus adding more drama to the story itself. There were many terrible things that could happen to you if you were a kid growing up in the late 1990s, and as such, the things you went through then aren’t the same as what kids today are going through right now.

So there is that.

So you better hurry up and get your copies of The Summer of Our Discontent and Harry Moffer & the Dumbest Story Ever, both of which are available for FREE this weekend on Smashwords.com.

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โ€œHarry Moffer & the Dumbest Story Ever!โ€ is now available on Smashwords!

After several hours of hard work, I have finally put the parody of Harry Potter on Smashwords! (Cue air horn)

Now that I have the story on Smashwords, I may consider pulling the story from Amazon.com and editing the YouTube trailer for the book so that the link to the book points to Smashwords.

So there is that.

Here’s the link to the book on Smashwords:ย https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/416066

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“Harry Moffer & the Dumbest Story Ever!” to be published on Smashwords!

Harry Moffer 3

Harry Moffer 3 (Photo credit: claireviolet82)

Ok, so I’m biting my tongue and doing what I needed to do a while ago.

I’m going to publish my book, Harry Moffer & the Dumbest Story Ever, on Smashwords.

The reason I’m doing this is because my book sales on Amazon.com leave much to be desired, and I wanted to expand my publishing prowess to other book-publishing sites. So there is that.

I’ll let you all know when I have the book available for sale on Smashwords.

I now leave you with this blurb about the book:

A 14-year-old nerd named Harry Moffer is taken away from his home in Branford, Coggnetigut to a strange city called Wyvernwing, Pencilvarnia. There, he attends a strange school called Warthogpox High, where he meets two strange kids named Pun Teasley and Hildegarde Lamer. The three of them find themselves fighting a battle against an unpopular children’s book series.

The Summer of Our Discontentย is availableย on Smashwords.com for 50% off with this code:ย REW50.ย But you better hurry, because this sale is only good for this week only.

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