Day 30 of NaNoWriMo 2012

Well, after hours of hard work, blood, sweat, and tears, I have managed to log in over 50,058 words in “Magical Compositions“. In short, I have won the competition!

So what does this say about me?

I did say yesterday that I could be completing NaNoWriMo and I was right. I had to get the word count just right in terms of actual word counting, as I still have some more writing to do, as I’m out of chapter 12 (the middle of the story) and have moved onto chapter 13, which is when things start to work out for the Fab Four and their rivals…not so much. I promise to write each chapter every day and to have it complete before the middle of December.

So if you’ve won, then congratulations. But if not, just keep going. Whether you’ve won or not, you can say that you did something big during the month of November. Also, considering publishing your story, as the world does need plenty more stories in it.

I thank everyone for reading about my progress in NaNoWriMo during this past month and I urge you all to keep a lookout for my next pet project.

13 thoughts on “Day 30 of NaNoWriMo 2012

  1. Pingback: Attention: #amwriting bi-lingual/Achtung zweisprachig | Zara ~ a writing story

  2. Well done Claire. Will you be publishing eventually? I am still working on last year’s novel and this (2012) will need some additions and edits so more work involved all round. Love to know what you will be doing. Thanks for your like on my blog. Good luck.

  3. Pingback: The Rush of Falling Down Happy « cricketmuse

  4. Pingback: Winner, Winner…Chicken Dinner | Walk With Me

  5. Pingback: Post-NaNoWriMo « Anthony Richer

  6. Pingback: NaNoWriMo Day 30: Pens Down, Turn In Your Papers « Laith's Ramblings

  7. Pingback: Zazzle Sales 2012-11-28 (Bumper Sticker, Mug and T-shirt) « Zizzling Zazzle – Home of stine1 on Zazzle

  8. Pingback: Day 30: Is November over already? | Journey of a Creative Playful Explorer

  9. Pingback: NaNoWriMo Day 30 – FINISHED!!!!!! | Graphomaniac – Elizabeth West

  10. Pingback: NaNo ’12 Day 29 | Side Quest Publications

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