FanFiction Fridays: Lesser-Known Fandoms

In today’s post, I will be talking about the lesser-known fandoms that are out there. For every Harry Potter or Star Wars that are out there, there are about 100 other fandoms that are rudely ignored because they don’t have as much star power or they are not widely accepted by mainstream society.

and here’s a list of the fandoms that no one really knows about:

  1. The Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathon Stroud
  2. Happy Tree Friends (internet cartoon)
  3. Dragon Riders of Pern by Anne McCaffrey
  4. The Young Wizards Series by Diane UDuane
  5. The Chronicles of Prydain (also known as the series where the cartoon The Black Cauldron originated) by Lloyd Alexander
  6. Firefly (tv show) by Joss Whedon
  7. Age of fire by E.E. Knight
  8. Ranger’s Apperntice by John Flanagan

it is sad to think that shows and books such as these are being ignored in favor of more popular books/movies. I would list more, since there are more neglected fandoms, but time is short. I will be back with more.

My books Cthulhu ReturnsHarry Moffer & the Dumbest Story Ever, and The Summer of Our Discontent are available for purchase on Smashowrds.

Fantasy and Asperger’s Part V

The Creation of the Two Trees figured in Tolki...

The Creation of the Two Trees figured in Tolkien’s fantasy world, Arda (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

When we last left off, Juniper Chadwell and Caleb Ketterbridge are stranded in a completely different world than the world they imagined.

For starters, Juniper imagines herself to be a princess in another world. Yet when that vision comes true, she learns that things are not always what they seemed to be, especially when she discovers that her family has been killed wand she is forced to flee from her castle before she dies.

As for Caleb, he discovers that far from being an ordinary young boy with Asperger’s, he is really a missing fairy prince who must restore his magical world before it is destroyed forever.

The two children in question now have the power to form and shape the new world that they are in, never minding the fact that their old worlds could have used some forming and shaping as well. They must also put aside their former lives and take up new lives for themselves, no matter how much it hurts.

Next week, I’ll be getting into more detail about their lives in the fantasy world.

My books “Harry Moffer & the Dumbest Story Ever” and “The Summer of Our Discontent” are available on and Amazon.