Fan Fiction Fridays: Write Your Own Story

Well, if I haven’t covered this part already, here it is once again for your enjoyment.

The controversy known as “write your own story“.

As we all know, there is a number of authors out there who will sue you if you try to write fan fiction based on their works. There are others who just flat-out don’t like fan fiction. And there is a small but growing number of authors who tolerate fan fiction to an extant, but these authors want you to write your own story.

So, what does this mean, my fellow writers?

Until “Fifty Shades of Grey“, almost no one had exactly heard of the “pull-to-publish” movement that took place. For years, fan fiction remained just that…fan fiction.

I have yet to give out my stance on Amazon’s Kindle Worlds, but I’m not exactly sure if I want to get paid to write fan fiction. Not while I’m trying to “write my own story,” that is.

I’ll have more on this subject next week.

My non-fan fiction books Harry Moffer & the Dumbest Story Ever and The Summer of Our Discontent are available on

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