Camp NaNoWriMo Day 11

Yesterday, I wrote down as many Christmas song parodies as I could (including songs by Monty Python and Weird Al Yankovic), knowing that today was the day that a new year will come to the students at Warthogpox High School.

As we all know, the story takes place in the year 2008 (2007 was the first story; Harry was born in the year 1993).

This time, the songs will be a bit more subdued, but there will be a powerful message from Jill. Plus, despite the fact that the school is on lockdown, some more students are attacked.

Kind of makes you scared to attend Warthogpox High, doesn’t it?

Plus, I’m publishing what I have written so far on Wattpad and other sites. Look for the book to be published on Smashwords in the coming months.

And yes, you’re welcome to buy my books Harry Moffer & the Dumbest Story Ever and The Summer of Our Discontent on

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